Tuesday, August 5, 2008

this is here.

forgive me blogger, for i have sinned. it has been one season, innumerable dreams, myriad catharses, incalculable tumblers of whiskey, half a lifetime, dozens of underlined passages in books, immeasurable amounts of tuna salad, several friendship audits, some good and bad movies, some things im not proud of, some things i am, too many bitten nails, countless ant farm mornings spread over two continents, much tossing and turning in the dead of night, a steady regimen of a-rod homers, one lost love, one new hero, limitless miles of pavement underfoot, a few laughs, a few tears, untold gallons of water, constant obama debates, sporadic apologies, one episode of flossing, millions of puns, a number of haircuts and job interviews, multitudinous walks through the union sq and canal st subway stations, much resume rewriting, many reviews of family members to determine how much im like them, dozens of iced teas and peanut m & m's, a slew of tofu, a couple of dried out contacts, a lot of scrabble, daily doses of finasteride, not a little bit of sitting in union sq reading, an assiduous amount of deciphering the moscow metro (and cyrillic), a wedding, copious chocolate ices, a dip in the ocean, a weird tasting stick of gum, scores of epic battles btwn my air conditioner and heat-retaining tar roof, a crazy number of subway rides, one peeling sneaker, and a career turn since my last post.

now im here.

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