Thursday, August 14, 2008

a thought while watching olympic volleyball.

(ive had this thought many times before; i was just reminded of it. im actually surprised i never wrote about it on the old blog.)

im always looking for allegories for life,* and with my predilection for sports, im often looking for them in the arena of athletics. of all sports, i think volleyball might be the best metaphor for living.

in most sports, the object is to either score a goal, or to get from pt a to pt b. and in life, we certainly do these things a lot.

but most of life, even if it's in the service of doing the two things above, is spent in the middle ground. essentially, it's all about staying in motion, and not 'dropping the ball' along the way. yes, in volleyball, your team's purpose is to score, but before you can do that, and for most of the action, you have to keep the ball in the air.

sometimes i think that's what we spend most of our time doing.

im not positive i articulated this perfectly, but hopefully well enough.

*mr met, that was not nec a conscious shout-out to ya, but obv it was some kind of hallo-hallo.

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