Monday, December 1, 2008

happy birthday purple!

from the deal:

elaine. (reading card) think where man's glory most begins and ends and say my glory was i had such a friend.

kramer. (to jerry) yates.

lans, you made the best election day joke, you cooked me boy food, you arranged for my blood to be siphoned and made sure to say hi while it was happening, you came with me to moma while we were both flippin out, you watched several woody allen films with me, you came to the park with me that other flip out day - remember that? (i saved the text you sent me for over a year), you brought me cupcakes, you came the closest anyone's ever gonna come to making me like the crossword, you were there when the spirits diced my ice cream cone, you humor my neuroses while others just stand back and laugh, youre sparing with your words so i hang on every one of them, you got your phd at seven years old, you fire up my political juices (to put it diplomatically), youre gods gift to the hoodie, you can throw a spiral and catch one too, you give good text, you like eating things in bowls - almost to a fault, you introduced me to cereal mixing, you said 'what's that?!', you like the band, you quit smoking, you used to meet me at haru when we both lived uptown, you took me to candle cafe, you were one of the first people to ever comment on my blog (and it was a good one, at that), youre fun to watch baseball with, youre just a classy human being, i love you - END OF STORY.

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