Monday, March 16, 2009


last night, a friend of mine whom i greatly respect (that's an understatement; his word is gospel), told me he likes my blog, but 'reading it is like watching mickey mantle play slow pitch softball.'

he meant i should be doing real writing. because he knows thats still how i want to make my bones, and any writing not in the way of that is intrinsically counterproductive.

so im sorry.

because i know there are some people who come here for a little respite from their day: maybe a coupla laughs, at least an intriguing thought (or two).

and now it's over.

(this is the end. my only friend, the end.)

i never really had my heart in this blog anyway, like i did in the last one.

im not even sure why its nec to write this final entry - i guess im just letting yall know you neednt bother checking the site anymore.

youll see my writing again, i promise. but it wont be in blog form.

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