Saturday, September 20, 2008

some words keep speaking when you close the book.

this is like a must-write-immediately.

i just met a guy who had a tattoo of an open book on his forearm*.

whenever i meet people who have prominent tattoos, i ask them what theyre all about (the tattoos; i dont nec want to know what those people are all about. that's knowledge i could do without).

so i said, 'what's that tattoo say?'

he showed me.


i fairly lept out of my don.


i couldnt believe it.

i couldnt place the song, but i could sing the lyrics. he reminded me the line is from condition oakland, off 24 hour revenge therapy; a brilliant song whose bridge is actually jack kerouac reading a poem of his.

jawbreaker is easily one of my handful favorite bands. they really mean a lot to me.

having disbanded in 97, and my having never been a part of their scene when it was current - as i was introduced to them by nick, the rest of whose music i loathed - i cant be sure how popular jawbreaker ever was. but i know i never hear about them now.

i basically have conversations about how awesome they are with myself.

so when my new best friend told me that not only does blake schwarzenbach live 'not far' from near me in bk (he wasnt sure precisely where), but that jawbreaker almost had a secret reunion in bk six mos. ago, well.

i nearly lost it.

*i must acknowledge that overlapping metaphor: wearing an open book on, essentially, your sleeve. is it too much, or simply appropriate? acknowledging i dont really know this guy, im guessing the former.

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